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【活动预告】营养与健康系学术报告:Protein amyloid fibrils and their coacervation for therapeutic applications

报告人:Dr. Mohammad Peydayesh

题目:Protein amyloid fibrils and their coacervation for therapeutic applications




Mohammad Peydayesh博士

是苏黎世联邦理工学院的高级研究员和讲师。 他于 2018 年获得伊朗科技大学化学工程博士学位(荣誉),随后在Raffaele Mezzenga教授的指导下加入苏黎世联邦理工学院担任博士后研究员。 自 2021 年 9 月起,Mohammad Peydayesh博士一直在苏黎世联邦理工学院食品和软材料实验室担任高级助理,研究领域包括软物质、自组装现象、蛋白质纳米纤维、先进可持续材料、废物增值、水净化和可持续发展评估。近五年来在Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Nanotechnology, Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews和Advanced Materials等国际期刊发表论文60余篇。


Liquid-liquid phase separation, particularly via coacervation, offers a promising avenue for designing nanostructured biomaterials with multifaceted functionalities. However, conventional protein-polysaccharide coacervates encounter challenges stemming from the low mechanical and chemical stabilities of protein-based condensates. In this presentation, we showcase recent breakthroughs in overcoming these limitations by leveraging the transformation of native proteins into amyloid fibrils, a novel class of nanofibril materials characterized by unique surface functionality and an exceptionally high surface-to-volume ratio. Our research demonstrates that the coacervation of cationic protein amyloids with anionic linear polysaccharides leads to the interfacial self-assembly of biomaterials, enabling precise control over their structure and properties. Furthermore, we validate the outstanding performance of these coacervates in gastric ulcer protection through in vivo assays, highlighting their therapeutic efficacy as engineered microparticles.

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