2024年12月-至今 国家级高层次人才计划
2024.12-至今 中关村产融合作与转型促进会营养健康产业分会会长
2024.07-至今 国家市场监督管理总局特殊⻝品注册审评核查专家,特殊医学用途配方食品注册咨询专家、保健食品注册核查专家、婴幼儿配方乳粉产品配方注册咨询专家
2024.07-至今 中国中医药信息学会药食质量安全数字化检测分会,副会长
2023.01-2027.01 现代农业产业技术体系北京市设施蔬菜创新团队,岗位专家
2022.12-2027.12 中华预防医学会食品卫生分会,常务委员
2022.10-2027.09 中原食品实验室,岗位科学家
2022.07-2025.07 国家乳业技术创新中心 技术委员会委员
2022.01-至今 北京食品学会现代营养健康检测专业委员会,主任委员
2021.11-2026.11 第六届农业转基因生物安全委员会,委员
2021.05-2024.05 北京理化分析测试技术学会核酸适配体交叉技术分会,秘书长
2019.01-至今 中国农业大学“人才培育发展支持计划”青年新星A类,功能核酸”青年科学家创新团队负责人
2016.01-至今 北京食品营养与人类健康高精尖创新中心,岗位科学家
2013.05-2014.09 美国马里兰大学,访问学者
2011.03-至今 农业农村部农产品贮藏保鲜质量安全风险评估实验室(北京),副主任
2008.06-至今 农业农村部农业转基因生物安全评价(食用)重点实验室,副主任
2008.06-至今 农业农村部农产品质量监督检验测试中心(北京),副主任
2006.07-至今 中国农业大学,讲师、副教授、教授
1997.09-2006.06 中国农业大学,工学学士、工学博士
许文涛,中国农业大学营养与健康系教授,博士生导师。入选国家级高层次人才计划、“农业农村部专项人才计划青年英才”、教育部“新世纪优秀人才”、北京市科技新星、中国农业大学“人才培育发展支持计划”领军教授B类、青年新星A类并组建“功能核酸与营养健康”青年科学家创新团队。农业农村部农业转基因生物安全评价(食用)重点实验室副主任、农业农村部农产品贮藏保鲜质量安全风险评估实验室(北京)副主任、担任农业农村部农产品质量监督检验测试中心(北京)副主任、国家乳业技术创新中心技术委员会委员。担任国家市场监督管理总局特殊医学用途配方食品注册咨询专家、保健食品注册核查专家、婴幼儿配方乳粉产品配方注册咨询专家、第六届农业转基因安全委员会委员、北京市现代农业产业技术体系岗位科学家、北京理化分析测试技术学会核酸适配体交叉技术分会秘书长、中国中医药信息学会药食质量安全数字化检测分会副会长、北京市食品学会现代营养健康检测专业委员会主任委员、北京食品营养与人类健康高精尖创新中心岗位科学家、中原食品实验室岗位科学家、中华预防医学会食品卫生分会常务委员、中国农业大学国际烘焙及茶产业创新工场副主任、连续入选爱思唯尔“全球前2%顶尖科学家”,担任Journal of DNA and RNA research期刊主编,Food Biomacromolecules期刊副主编,Toxins、Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology、Exploration、Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry、《生物物理及生物化学进展》、《生物技术通报》、《生物工程学报》、《食品与营养科学》、《生物技术进展》、《分析测试学报》、《食品研究与开发》、《天津农业科学》、《防化研究》等期刊编委。近年来,主持国家自然基金面上项目、重大仪器专项、转基因重大专项等国家级科研项目20余项,省部级科研项目20余项,横向课题60余项;发表学术论文350余篇,H指数为52,入选封面文章10篇;获国家授权发明专利100余项,国际发明专利2项,转化20余项,出版中英文专著4部;获中国检验检测学会科技奖技术发明奖特等奖,中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖一等奖、中国商业联合会科技奖一等奖、长城食品安全科学技术一等奖、中国食品科学技术学会科技创新二等奖等科研奖励15项。近年来,加大科技成果转化进度,积极投身乡村振兴实践,促进农村产业融合发展,在全国多地牵头设立教授工作站3个、科技小院3个、博士农场2个。
第49届日内瓦国际发明展 银奖
中国检验检测学会科技奖 技术发明奖特等奖
中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖 一等奖
中国食品科学技术学会科技创新奖 二等奖
中国商业联合会科技奖 一等奖
长城食品安全科学技术奖 一等奖
首届全国教材建设奖全国优秀教材 二等奖
全国农业硕士专业学位研究生实践教学成果 一等奖
1. 功能核酸【筛选裁剪、生物传感、生物材料、纳米营养及药物靶向】
2. 功能食品【配方开发、机制挖掘、精准营养及功效评价、名特优新高值化产品开发】
3. 安全评价【农业生物技术及合成生物学产品分子特征及安全评价、安全风险因子精准检测及精准毒理机制解析】
1. 国家自然基金面上项目“乳品中金黄色葡萄球菌及其肠毒素的功能核酸分子识别机制解析及可视化共检技术开发”(2023-2027)主持
2. 国家重点研发计划课题“动物源性产品中多类别有害物无损共检技术及装置研发”(2022-2026)主持
3. 国家自然基金重大仪器专项“单细胞代谢毒理学效应超灵敏精准质谱分析装置研制”(2020-2024)子课题主持
4. 国家自然基金面上项目“基于复合纳米材料的食源性致病微生物超灵敏等温核酸生物传感器及智能定量装备的研究”(2019-2022)主持
5. 国家自然基金面上项目“基于‘磁三核酸-肽核酸’的食源性致病微生物条形码纸基光学传感器的研究”(2016-2019)主持
6. 转基因专项“基因组编辑新型转基因动物产品安全评价技术研究”(2018-2019)主持
7. 转基因专项“复合性状转基因成分检测、溯源技术及标识阈值研究”(2014-2016)主持
8. 转基因专项“转基因产品现场快速检测仪器设备研发”(2018-2020)主持
9. 863计划“食用农产品病原菌分子检测技术开发及生物安全控制”(2012-2015)子课题主持
10. 北京市科技计划项目“肉类预制调理和植物基新兴食品安全风险防控技术研究及示范应用”(2022-2025)主持
11. 国家科技重大专项“科技创新2030-农业生物育种,基因编辑牛分子特征识别及非预期效应评估技术”(2022-2023)主持
12. 北京市科技新星计划“功能核酸纳米精准营养平台的搭建及抗皮肤衰老的研究”(2023-2026)主持
13. 北京市科技新星“食源性致病菌新型等温PCR现场快速检测及核酸试纸条关键技术研究”(2014-2017)主持
14. 北京市科技新星交叉项目“食源性致病菌现场快速检测核酸层析试纸条系列产品的研发”(2017-2018)主持
15. 教育部新世纪人才项目“ASK1参与调控赭曲霉毒素A诱导的肾细胞毒性作用机制研究”(2014-2016)主持
1. 功能核酸, 许文涛,2024,中国轻工业出版社.
2. 功能核酸生物传感器-理论篇, 许文涛,2020,科学出版社.
3. Functional Nucleic Acids Detection in Food Safety, Wentao Xu, 2016, Springer.
4. Ochratoxin A: Biosynthesis, Detection and Biological Toxicity, Wentao Xu, 2016, Nova.
1. 食品安全检测技术(第3版), 许文涛.2024,中国农业大学出版社.
2. 食品安全快速检测, 许文涛,程楠.2023,科学出版社.
3. 食品安全学, 许文涛,2021,中国林业出版社.
4. 食品安全案例解析, 黄昆仑,许文涛.2013,科学出版社.
5. 转基因食品社会文化伦理透视, 许文涛, 黄昆仑.2010,中国物资出版社.
6. 转基因食品安全评价与检测技术, 黄昆仑,许文涛.2009,中国轻工业出版社.
1. Xinxin Wang, Ning Xu, Longjiao Zhu, He Yang, Chen Li, Hongtao Tian*, Wentao Xu*. Structural Antagonism-Aided Conformational Regulation Enables an Aptamer-Loop G-Quadruplex Modular Sensor of β-Lactoglobulin. Small, 2024, 2307995.
2. Yanger Liu, Yifan Wu, Lei Wang, Longjiao Zhu, Yulan Dong*,Wentao Xu*.A ratiometric dual-fluorescent paper-based synthetic biosensor for visual detection of tetracycline on-site. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 467, 133647.
3. Chengyun Wang, Xinyue Lan, Longjiao Zhu, Yanhui Wang, Xinru Gao, Jie Li, Hongtao Tian, Zhihong Liang*, Wentao Xu*. Construction Strategy of Functionalized Liposomes and Multidimensional Application. Small, 2024, 2309031.
4. Wenping Yang, Longjiao Zhu, Wentao Xu*. Biologically inspired Co-MOF as catalase mimics with an unexpected ROS production ability for the efficient removal of organic dyes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, 12, 112358.
5. Xuan Ma, Yangzi Zhang, Longjiao Zhu, Yifan Wu, Jun Li, Kunlun Huang, Wentao Xu*. Aptamer and Thiol Co-Regulated Color-Shifting Fluorophores via Dynamic Through-Bond/Space Conjugation for Constructing Ratiometric RNA Sensor. Small, 2024, 2401437.
6. Ziqi Zhou, Xinyue Lan, Longjiao Zhu, Yangzi Zhang, Kehan Chen, Wenqiang Zhang, Wentao Xu*. Portable dual-aptamer microfluidic chip biosensor for Bacillus cereusbased on aptamer tailoring and dumbbell-shaped probes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 445, 130545.
7. Keren Chen, Longjiao Zhu, Zaihui Du, Xinyue Lan, Kunlun Huang, Wenqiang Zhang, Wentao Xu*. Docking-aided Rational Tailoring of a Fluorescence- and Affinity-Enhancing Aptamer for a Label-free Ratiometric Malachite Green Point-of-Care Aptasensor, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 130798.
8. Xinyue Lan#, Longjiao Zhu#, Yangzi Zhang, Keren Chen, Jia Wang, Zaihui Du, Shuting Li, Xu Chen, Wentao Xu*. Cavity hairpin ThT-light nucleic acid switches: the construction of label- and enzyme-free sensing and imaging platforms. Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, 51(8): 3556-3572.
9. Charles Asakiya, Yangzi Zhang, Liye Zhu, Michael Ackah, Samad Tavakoli, Longjiao Zhu, Kunlun Huang, Wentao Xu*.Self-assembled pH-responsive DNA nanosponges for targeted co-delivery of doxorubicin and capsaicin for colorectal cancer therapy. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 195, 108926.
10. Zaihui Du, Longjiao Zhu, Pengfei Wang, Xinyue Lan, Shenghao Lin, and Wentao Xu*. Coordination-Driven One-Step Rapid Self-Assembly Synthesis of Dual-Functional Ag@Pt Nanozyme. Small, 2023, 19, 230104
11. Yangzi Zhang, Longjiao Zhu, Xuan Ma, Siyue Zhu, Yongqiang Ma, Sabir Hussain, Xiaoyun He*, Wentao Xu*. An Effective Docking-Guided Strategy for Rational Tailoring of Fluorescent Aptamer Switches of Dimethylindole Red Analogue. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95(18): 7076-7081.
12. Shuting Li, Longjiao Zhu, Shenghao Lin, Wentao Xu*. Toehold-mediated biosensors: Types, mechanisms and biosensing strategies. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2023, 220, 114922.
13. Min Yang, Longjiao Zhu, Wenping Yang, Wentao Xu*.Nucleic acid-templated silver nanoclusters: A review of structures, properties, and biosensing applications. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2023, 491, 215247.
14. Jieyu Yuhan#, Liye Zhu#, Longjiao Zhu, Kunlun Huang, Xiaoyun He, Wentao Xu*. Cell-specific aptamers as potential drugs intherapeutic applications: A review of current progress. Journal of Controlled Release. 2022, 346: 405-420.
15. Yifan Wu, Longjiao Zhu, Shuting Li, Huashuo Chu, Xinxin Wang, Wentao Xu*. High content design of riboswitch biosensors: All-around rational module-by-module design. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2022, 220, 114887.
16. Wenping Yang, Longjiao Zhu, Min Yang, Wentao Xu*. Synthesis of Amorphous/Crystalline Hetero-Phase Nanozymes with Peroxidase-Like Activity by Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly for Biosensors. Small, 2022, 19(2): 2204782.
17. Jingjing Tian, Xiaoyun He, Xinyue Lan, Xingxing Liang, Zhaobin Zhong, Longjiao Zhu, Keren Chen, Qiaoying Chang, Wentao Xu*. One-Pot Controllable Assembly of a Baicalin-Condensed Aptamer Nanodrug for Synergistic Anti-Obesity. Small, 2022, 19(6): 2205933.
18. Xu Chen#, Xiaoyun He#, Ruxin Gao#, Xinyue Lan, Liye Zhu, Keren Chen, Yazhou Hu, Kunlun Huang, Wentao Xu*. Aptamer-Functionalized Binary-Drug Delivery System for Synergetic Obesity Therapy, ACS Nano, 2021. 16(1): 1036–1050.
19. Keren Chen#, Yangzi Zhang#, Longjiao Zhu, Huashuo Chu, Xiangli Shao, Charles Asakiya, Kunlun Huang, Wentao Xu*. Insights into nucleic acid-based self-assembling nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery and controlled drug release. Journal of Controlled Release, 2022, 341: 869-891.
20. Shuting Li, Liye Zhu, Longjiao Zhu, Xiaohong Mei, Wentao Xu*.A sandwich-based evanescent wave fluorescent biosensor for simple, real-time exosome detection. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2022, 200:113902.
21. Xu Chen, Keren Chen, Zaihui Du, Huashuo Chu, Longjiao Zhu, Xiaoyun He, Wentao Xu*. Fusion of binary split allosteric aptasensor for the ultra-sensitive and super-rapid detection of malachite green. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 425: 127976.
22. Jingjing Tian, Huashuo Chu, Yuan Zhang, Kai Li, Hongtao Tian, Xiujie Zhang, Wentao Xu*; TiO2Nanoparticle-Enhanced Linker Recombinant Strand Displacement Amplification (LRSDA) for Universal Label-Free Visual Bioassays, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(50): 46504-46514. (封面文章)
23. Longjiao Zhu, Miao Miao, Xiangli Shao, Zaihui Du, Kunlun Huang, Yunbo Luo, Wentao Xu*; A universal electrochemical biosensor using nick-HCR nanostructure as molecular gate of nanochannel for detecting Chromium (III)ions and microRNA, Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91(23): 14992-14999. (封面文章)
24. Nan Cheng, Yang Song, Qiurong Shi, Dan Du, Dong Liu, Yunbo Luo, Wentao Xu*, Yuehe Lin*; Au@Pd Nanopopcorn and Aptamer Nanoflower Assisted Lateral Flow Strip for Thermal Detection of Exosomes, Analytical Chemistry, 2019,91(21):13986-13993. (封面文章)
25. Yuxiang Feng#; Xiangli Shao#; Kunlun Huang, Jingjing Tian, Xiaohong Mei, Yunbo Luo,Wentao Xu*; Mercury nanoladders: a new method for DNA amplification, signal identification and their application in the detection of Hg (II) ions, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54(58): 8036-8039. (封面文章)
26. Nan Cheng, Qin Wang, Ying Shang, Yuancong Xu, Kunlun Huang, Zhansen Yang, Dengke Pan, Wentao Xu*, Yunbo Luo a d; Rapid and low-cost strategy for detecting genome-editing induced deletion: A single-copy case, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018, 1019: 111-118. (亮点文章)
27. Yangzi Zhang, Longjiao Zhu, Jingjing Tian, Liye Zhu, Xuan Ma, Xiaoyun He, Kunlun Huang, Fazheng Ren, Wentao Xu*. Smart and Functionalized Development of Nucleic Acid‐Based Hydrogels: Assembly Strategies, Recent Advances, and Challenges. Advanced Science, 2021,2100216.
28. Wentao Xu, Wanchong He, Zaihui Du, Liye Zhu, Kunlun Huang, Yi Lu*, Yunbo Luo*, Functional Nucleic Acids‐Nanomaterials: Development, Properties, and Applications. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60(13): 6890-6918.
29. Yuan Su, Huashuo Chu, Jingjing Tian, Zaihui Du, Wentao Xu*, Insight into the nanomaterials enhancement mechanism of nucleic acid amplification reactions. TrACTrends in Analytical Chemistry, 2021,116221.
30. MingzhangGuo, Kunlun Huang, Wentao Xu*, Third Generation Whole-Cell Sensing Systems: Synthetic Biology Inside, Nanomaterial Outside. Trends in Biotechnology2021, 39 (6):550-559
31. Boyang Zhang, Hongyu Li, Liye Zhu, Xiaoyun He, Haoshu Luo, Kunlun Huang, Wentao Xu*, Single-cell transcriptomics uncovers potential marker genes ofochratoxin A–sensitive renal cells in an acute toxicity rat model. Cell Biology and Toxicology, 2021, 37:7-13.
32. Liye Zhu, Jieyu Yuhan, Kunlun Huang, Xiaoyun He, Zhihong Liang, Wentao Xu*, Multidimensional analysis of the epigenetic alterations in toxicities induced by mycotoxins, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2021, 153: 112251.
33. Xiujuan Deng, Ganghua Huang, Qing Tu, Hongjie Zhou*, Yali Li, Hongyuan Shi, Xianxue Wu, Hongtao Ren, Kunlun Huang, Xiaoyun He, Wentao Xu*, Evolution analysis of flavor-active compounds during artificial fermentation of Pu-erh tea, Food Chemistry, 2021, 357: 129783.
34. Yanger Liu, Mingzhang Guo, Ruoxi Du, Jiani Chi, Xiaoyun He, Zixin Xie, Kunlun Huang, Yunbo Luo, Wentao Xu*, A gas reporting whole-cell microbial biosensor system for rapid on-site detection of mercury contamination in soils, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2020, 170: 112660.
35. Ziqi Zhou, Yangzi Zhang, Mingzhang Guo, Kunlun Huang, Wentao Xu*, Ultrasensitive magnetic DNAzyme-copper nanoclusters fluorescent biosensor with triple amplification for the visual detection of E. coliO157:H7, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2020, 167: 112475.
36. XinXian Wang, Longjiao Zhu,Shuting Li, Yangzi Zhang, Wentao Xu*, Fluorescent functional nucleic acid: Principles, properties and applications in bioanalyzing. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 141: 116292.
37. Xiuyuan Xu, Yuan Su, Yangzi Zhang, Xinxin Wang, Hongtao Tian, Xuan Ma, Huashuo Chu, Wentao Xu*, Novel rolling circle amplification biosensors for food-borne microorganism detection, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 141: 116293.
38. Huan Song#, Yangzi Zhang#, Shuai Wang, Kunlun Huang, Yunbo Luo, Wenqiang Zhang,Wentao Xu*, Label-free polygonal-plate fluorescent-hydrogel biosensor for ultrasensitive microRNA detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 306: 127554.
39. Boyang Zhang, Liye Zhu, Yaqi Dai, Hongyu Li, Kunlun Huang, Yunbo Luo, Wentao Xu*, An in vitro attempt at precision toxicology reveals the involvement of DNA methylation alteration in ochratoxin A-induced G0/G1 phase arrest, Epigenetics, 2020, 15(1-2): 199-214.
40. Shuting Li, Yuan Zhang, Jingjing Tian, Wentao Xu*, Luminescent DNAzyme and universal blocking linker Super Polymerase Chain Reaction visual biosensor for the detection of Salmonella, Food Chemistry, 2020, 324: 126859.
41. Ying Shang, Yuancong Xu, Kunlun Huang, Yunbo Luo, Wentao Xu*, Multiplex pyrosequencing quantitative detection combined with universal primer-multiplex-PCR for genetically modified organisms, Food Chemistry, 2020, 320: 126634.
42. Kai Li, Yunbo Luo, Kunlun Huang, Zhansen Yang, Yusong Wan, Wentao Xu*, Single Universal Primer Recombinase Polymerase Amplification-based Lateral Flow Biosensor (SUP-RPA-LFB) for Multiplex Detection of Genetically Modified Maize, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1127: 217-224.
43. XiangYang Li, ZaiHui Du, Shenghao Lin, JingJing Tian, HongTao Tian, Wentao Xu*, ExoIII and TdT dependent isothermal amplification (ETDA) colorimetric biosensor for ultra-sensitive detection of Hg2+, Food Chemistry, 2020, 316:126303.
44. Xiangli Shao, Longjiao Zhu, Yangzi Zhang, Zaihui Du, Chunyan Sun, Wentao, Xu*, Integration of ion-tuned oligonucleotide structural motifs and DNA-templated copper nanoclusters as a manipulable logic device, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2020, 325: 128769.
45. Mingzhang Guo#; Jili Wang#; Ruoxi Du, Yanger Liu, Jiani Chi, Xiaoyun He, Kunlun Huang, Yunbo Luo,Wentao Xu*, A test strip platform based on a whole-cell microbial biosensor for simultaneous on-site detection of total inorganic mercury pollutants in cosmetics without the need for predigestion, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019, 150: 111899.
46. Xuetong Li#, Yuan Su#, Huashuo Chu, Shuxia Lyu, Jingjing Tian, Wentao Xu*, Rapid strand replacement primer thermostat visual sensor based on BstDNA polymerase and pyrophosphatase for detecting Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Food Chemistry, 2019, 310: 125955.
47. Huan Song; Yangzi Zhang; Ping Cheng; Xu Chen; Yunbo Luo; Wentao Xu*; A rapidly self-assembling soft-brush DNA hydrogel based on RCA products, Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(37): 5375-5378.
48. Chao Zhang#, Xiujie Zhang#, Guozhou Liao, Ying Shang , Changrong Ge, Rui Chen, Yong Wang, Wentao Xu*; Species-specific TM-LAMP and Trident-like lateral flow biosensor for on-site authenticity detection of horse and donkey meat, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 301: 127039.
49. Shuting Li, Guishan Li, ZaiHui Du, LongJiao Zhu, JingJing Tian, YunBo Luo, KunLun Huang, Wentao Xu*; The ultra-sensitive visual biosensor based on thermostatic triple step functional nucleic acid cascade amplification for detecting Zn2+, Food Chemistry, 2019, 290: 95-100.
50. Yuancong Xu, Yujun Wei, Nan Cheng, Kunlun Huang*, Weiran Wang, Li Zhang, Wentao Xu*, Yunbo Luo, Nucleic acid biosensor synthesis of an all-in-one universalblocking linker recombinase polymerase amplification with a peptide nucleic acid-based lateral flow device for ultrasensitive detection of food pathogens. Analytical Chemistry 2018,90(1), 708-715.
1. 许文涛,李舒婷,朱龙佼.一种基于荧光杂交链式反应的生物传感器:2023106932865[P].
2. 许文涛,董玉兰,杨贺,等.一种用于检测β-乳球蛋白的磁性适配体生物传感器:202310619116[P].
3. 许文涛,黄昆仑,陈可仁,等.一种免标记比率型孔雀石绿发光适配体生物传感器:202211652737[P].
4. 许文涛,周子琦,朱龙佼,等.一种微生物检测的双适配体功能核酸恒温微流控芯片传感器:2022104018244[P].
5. 许文涛,田洪涛,王鑫昕,等.一种用于检测β-乳球蛋白的双功能G-四链体变构生物传感器:2022100576059[P].
6. 许文涛,杜再慧,朱龙佼.基于引物设计和铜纳米簇的SARS-CoV-2德尔塔变异株检测方法:202111527238[P].
7. 许文涛,朱龙佼,陈可仁,等.一种基于双劈裂功能核酸变构的孔雀石绿生物传感器:2021114552093[P].
8. 许文涛,黄昆仑,王馨娴,等.一种外泌体的纸基检测方法:2021101783102[P].
9. 许文涛,黄昆仑,王馨娴,等.一种三功能的磁性适配体三核酸纳米探针:2021101698241[P].
10. 许文涛,李舒婷,黄昆仑,等.一种功能核酸磁生物传感器:CN202110180390.5[P].
11. 许文涛,黄昆仑,李宏宇,等.一种基于核酸自组装无酶催化的circRNA活细胞内成像的可视化传感器:CN202110159582.8[P].
12. 许文涛,黄昆仑,朱龙佼,等.一种蛇源成分快速检测试剂盒及其应用:CN202110170854.4[P].
13. 许文涛,杜再慧,林晟豪,等.一种沙门氏菌闭管快速可视化检测试剂盒及其检测方法:202110078752[P].
14. 许文涛,黄昆仑,田晶晶,等.一种双控温超速PCR扩增及实时荧光信号监测装置及便携式快速检测装置:CN2020204920691[P].
15. 许文涛,黄昆仑,田晶晶,等.一种基于超速PCR与功能核酸的可视化检测方法:CN2020107650063[P].
1. 许文涛,杜再慧,朱龙佼.一种三叶草结构自延伸等温扩增方法及其应用:202310752516[P].
2. 许文涛,杜再慧,王鹏飞,等.一种新型铜基纳米材料及其在抗氧化和抑菌方面的应用:202310753310[P].
3. 许文涛,田晶晶,贺晓云,等.一种双链功能核酸纳米花的组装和形貌调控方法及其应用:202110974159[P].
4. 许文涛,田晶晶,朱龙佼,等.一种功能核酸纳米杆与功能核酸纳米花的制备及形貌转换方法:202110715709X[P].
5. 许文涛,黄昆仑,张洋子,等.DNA正四面体-滚环扩增产物双交联水凝胶的制备方法:202110132718[P].
6. 许文涛,罗云波,黄昆仑,等.软刷子快速自组装功能核酸水凝胶的制备方法:2019102896242[P].
7. 许文涛,朱龙佼,肖星凝,等.一种基于金纳米识别适配体冗余碱基的方法:2021107169453[P].
8. 许文涛,黄昆仑,张洋子,等.氧化石墨烯荧光增强型DNA水凝胶的制备方法:2021101330850[P].
9. 许文涛,黄昆仑,宋欢,等.一种蜘蛛网型功能核酸水凝胶的制备方法:2021101441815[P].
10. 许文涛,朱龙佼,肖星凝,等.一种基于延伸发光引物的实时定量PCR测定Kd值的方法:202110718435X[P].
11. 许文涛,田晶晶,朱龙佼,等.一种靶向协同降脂的纳米双药制备及应用:202210708094[P].
12. 许文涛,兰欣悦,朱龙佼,等.激活产热基因对应功能核酸位点的调控:202111523616[P].
13. 许文涛,贺晓云,黄昆仑,等.一种靶向调控白色脂肪棕色化的DNA纳米花药物制备方法:2021102275282[P].
14. 许文涛,朱龙佼,钟朝滨,等.一种胰高血糖素样肽-1 受体特异性核酸适配体的筛选及鉴定:2024107696474[P].
15. 许文涛,朱龙佼,钟朝滨,等.一种胰高血糖素样肽-1 受体特异性核酸适配体在代谢疾病干预中的应用:2024107696597[P].
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