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  • 姓  名:陈小雪
  • 性  别:女
  • 职  称:副教授
  • 所在系别:营养与健康系
  • 办公地点:中国农业大学建大校区1号楼
  • 电子邮箱:chen.xx@cau.edu.cn

2006.09 — 2010.07 中国农业大学 食品质量与安全 本科

2011.09 — 2018.06 中国农业大学 食品生物技术 硕博连读

2018.07 — 2021.10 中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院 科研助理

2021.11 — 2024.3 中国农业大学 营养与健康系 博士后

2024.04 —   今   中国农业大学 营养与健康系 副教授







1.      中粮营养健康研究院有限公司项目“不同香型大曲微生物多样性解析与资源挖掘保藏”,项目负责人;

2.      江苏洋河酒厂股份有限公司项目“小麦源“物系-菌系”对大曲品质影响机理的研究及洋河制曲小麦的优选”,项目负责人;

3.      山东景芝白酒有限公司项目“芝香型白酒专用高粱品种培育及质量标准体系的构建”,项目负责人;

4.      国家自然科学基金面上项目“温度介导大曲中发酵功能菌和噬菌体的组装机制”(32272275),主要参与人;

5.      国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于微生物多态性协同作用探索白酒固态发酵机制”(31972975),主要完成人;

6.      国家自然科学基金国际合作项目“东亚传统食品发酵剂中微生物相互作用及分子功能的比较宏基因组学分析研究”(31711540295),主要完成人;

7.      国家“十三五”重点研发计划专项”食品安全关键技术研发”, 子课题“食品餐饮服务中违规操作行为与食源性致病微生物污染监测与防控”(2017YFC1600806),主要完成人;


1.       Kang J M, Huang X N, Li R S, Zhang Y D, Chen X X(陈小雪)*, Han B Z*. Deciphering the core microbes and their interactions in spontaneous Baijiu fermentation: A comprehensive review. Food Research International. 2024,188:114497.

2.       Zhang Y D, Kang J M, Han B Z, Chen X X(陈小雪)*. Wheat-origin Bacillus community drives the formation of characteristic metabolic profile in high-temperature Daqu. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2023,191:115597.

3.       Chen X X(陈小雪)Huang X N, Sun S F, Han B Z*. Effect of fortified inoculation with indigenous Lactobacillus brevis on solid-state fermentation of Light flavor Baijiu. Foods. 2023,12(23):4198.

4.       Zhang Y D, Ding F, Shen Y, Cheng W, Chen X X(陈小雪)*. Characteristics of the microbiota and metabolic profile of high-temperature Daqu with different grades. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2022, 38:137.

5.       Chen X X(陈小雪), Hu Y N, Tian S M, Han B Z*. Understanding the interactions between Staphylococcus aureus and the raw-meat-processing environment isolate Klebsiella oxytoca in dual-species biofilms via discovering an altered metabolic profile[J]. Microorganisms, 2021, 9(4), 672.

6.       Kang J M, Xue Y S, Chen X X (陈小雪), Han B Z*. Integrated multi-omics approaches to understand microbiome assembly in Jiuqu, a mixed-culture starter. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2022, 21(5).

7.       Kang J M, Chen X X (陈小雪), Xue Y S, Han B Z*. Insights into the bacterial, fungal, and phage communities and volatile profiles in different types of Daqu. Food Research International. 2022, 158(Pt A):111488.

8.       Zhang Y D, Xu J G, Jiang Y L, Niu J, Chen X X(陈小雪), Han B Z*. Microbial characteristics and metabolite profiles of high-temperature Daqu in different maturation stages. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2022, 38: 234.

9.       Tian S M, Hu Y N, Chen X X(陈小雪), Liu C, Xue Y S, Han B Z*. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using sodium alginate and tannic acid: characterization and anti-S. aureus activity. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021, 195: 515-522.

10.    Hu Y N, Huang X N, Yang B, Zhang X, Han Y, Chen X X(陈小雪), Han B Z*. Contrasting the microbial community and metabolic profile of three types of light-flavor Daqu. Food Bioscience, 2021, 12(44), 101395.

Zhang Y D, Shen Y, Cheng W, Wang X, Xue Y S, Chen X X(陈小雪), Han B Z*. Understanding the shifts of microbial community and metabolite profile from wheat to mature Daqu. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12:1855.

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